Flight Training
Red Dog Aviation Ltd. is a Declared Training Organisation, CAA Reference GBR.DTO.0301.
In addition to Air Experience Lessons being flown in the Bulldog, other training is provided in either the Bulldog OR group/shared or solely owned aircraft:
Biennial Flights with an Instructor or Pre-Test Prep
Licenced pilots – Why not add a new type to your logbook and incorporate the experience as your Biennial Flight with an Instructor? The Bulldog is a joy to fly and now you have the perfect excuse to give it a try!
Are you looking to start spreading your wings? We offer pre-flight planning advice or in-seat accompaniment for the following (and more!):
- cross-Channel flights or checkouts
- farmstrip flying
- confidence building or “broadening horizons” flights
- touring and flight planning
IMC Rating / IR(R)
The IMC Rating (now know as the Restricted Instrument Rating [IR(R)] can be taught outside of an ATO, so can be carried out in either the Bulldog (which is capable of performing RNP approaches) or your own aircraft.
Differences Training & Aircraft Familiarisation
Are you stepping up to a new or more complex aircraft?
This may include differences training for variable pitch propeller and retractable undercarriage, leading to the sign-off in your logbook.
Likewise, we also provide familiarisation training on many aircraft types at a pace to suit you.
Hourly rates will be agreed in advance.
Night Rating
The Night Rating entitles the holder to fly VFR at night, it is a non-expiring rating and does not require an exam at the completion of the course.
A minimum of 5 hours flight time, 3 hours of which are instructional which will also include solo circuits, five take-off & full stop landings are required, note touch and goes do not qualify, although you will carry those out during your training. In addition, a minimum of one hour night navigation of a least 50 km.
The night rating can be added to both LAPL & PPL.
To carry a passenger, at least one of your three landings must be at night during the 90 day currency requirement.
The night rating must be completed with 6 months of commencement.
Although there is no exam, you will be required to meet the standards set by your instructor.
Conversion from LAPL to PPL
The conversion of a LAPL to PPL is a straightforward flying exercise requiring a minimum of 10 hours flight time at either a DTO or ATO, you must also have completed 15 hours flight time since the issue of the LAPL. No further written exams are required.
The flight time must include a minimum of 6 hours instructional flight and 4 hours supervised solo.
You are also required to fly a solo qualifying cross-country flight of 150NM and land at two different airfields.
Additional training requires instrument flying and radio aid navigation, once completed, a full PPL skills test is flown with an examiner. CAA Standards Document 19 gives a detailed brief of what to expect on the skills test.
Fear of Flying Courses
We understand that not everyone finds the sensation of flight enjoyable. Our team at Red Dog Aviation Ltd. have proven experience with passengers who have a fear of flying. We work at the customer’s own pace, until they feel more relaxed and confident in the air. This investment really could make all the difference to the sorts of flights you undertake with your family and friends in future.
As a reminder, not all of the above instruction can be carried out on the Bulldog (we do not allow any “solo” elements). There are no restrictions on group/shared or solely-owned aircraft. Training and/or flight exams which require an ATO (e.g. Commercial Pilot’s Licence/Instrument Rating etc.) can also be arranged.